

Welcome to my webpage!

Thank you for visiting my webpage. I am a Product Manager at Sundae and have been working as an Analyst and Product manager for 3+ years. I graduated from Santa Clara University in June 2019 with a Masters of Science in Engineering Management and Leadership. I also received my undergraduate degree in Computer Science(emphasis in Algorithms & Complexity) from Santa Clara in 2018.

About Me:

Career Interests:

I have found a lot of success as a Product Manager by taking advantage of my technical background alongside my passion for analytics. I am looking to continue a career in product to drive transformative innovation. At every stage in my career, I have been able to quickly pick up and adapt to entirely new roles, systems, and have been rewarded with an accelerated and sustained growth in responsibility and ownership. What will allow my continued success is my work ethic, and passion to always want to learn more skills.

Personal Intrests:

When I am not working I love to ski, surf, and travel the world! All of the photos seen on this website are the photos I have collected over my travels. I have been extremely fortunate to be able to travel the amount that I have.

Outside of travel, I enjoy sports, movies, and music. I also love to learn! Throughout my career, I have always been working on outside passion projects and classes to keep my skills sharp.